Friday, March 11, 2016


To everyone we thought "love" was two people opposite or same sex gender that both truly love each other. To me "love" is just a word that guys/girls just throw it out in the open with no feelings at all. I should know I was one of those foolish girls that thought love was something I wanted to hear from a guy than showing it. It was just one of those typical teenager days, wanting to find a boyfriend so badly cause I disliked being alone and single in high school. Foolishly I looked online than just meeting one in person. My first ex-boyfriend he was from Alaska. We would always find a way to talk. Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. Went move to Alaska to be with him, but I should've seen the signs. Always asked for nude pictures. Broke up because he didn't had the same feelings anymore. Second ex-boyfriend was in Colorado. We both had everything in common but he was always wanted sexual intercourse everyday. Broke up because he said he might go to jail so I ended up living with my cousin in Kansas. And last but more least the recent third ex-boyfriend/baby daddy. At first he showed me how much I meant to him but that was over the phone and on Skype. Then he came to Kansas to live with me. It was the best feeling to have someone that actually cared and loved me for me. Then we both found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. Both of us were happy but deep down I knew something wasn't right or felt the same about him. Me and him both went our ways to be with our family cause I knew my family would want to be with my child and not so far away. When he was in California with his family, he broke up with me cause he said "I don't see US in the future." By that time my heart broke, we planned out everything for our little bundle of joy. Then later on he told me, "While I was with you, I was talking to my ex behind your back cause I still loved her." I was fed up and I stopped talking to him. We only talk about our child but then all those months I was pregnant and when my son was finally born, he still hasn't made any effort. No money, doesn't call me for himself, no video chat call to see him, and not even once asked what my son needed. Still from this day. Found out he's too busy being with his 5 or more girlfriend in American Samoa. So I felt the need to block him off of everything. Not because he won it's because he screenshots pictures of my son like he actually care. I'm sick and tired of being played. You want to ask me what is love? I would've said I don't know with all these guys that I explained to you what is love with another person.

To me now, love is Family and God. But mostly when I gave birth to my most precious human being that God has given me and that would be my son. Now that's love seeing your own little creation for the first time, you could say it was "Love At First Sight." You don't need a guy/girl to love you for who you are. You have family and God that'll love you no matter what the situation your in or how other people judge you. They love you for just being you. Remember that. God will never ever leave your side. He will always remain in your heart and soul.

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