Friday, January 6, 2017

Stay home mom

This goes out to any stay home mothers out there.

For me this is the first time in my life I didn't have to go to work and miss so many stuffs that my child is doing or saying. People thinks that being a stay at home mother is not really a job. Well they really don't know how it goes down. Every day I wake up real early in the morning to my child's cries because he wants to sleep with me and his father. So I wake up, change his wet diaper and make his bottle till he falls back to sleep and that takes a while. Then my husband goes to work and I take a nap till my child wakes up again maybe about like 7 in the morning. Wake up, start making his breakfast which is his oatmeal rice cereal and a warm bottle of milk.
Once he's finish eating it's time for put on his baby learning videos and play with his toys. Once he's distracted from playing I go into our room and start cleaning. Then head to the kitchen, wash dishes and wipe the counters. Sometimes I would start cleaning my refrigerator or my oven. Start sweeping and mopping my room and the kitchen. Then after my child's stomach rest from eating his breakfast, I go and make his baby bath and clean him up. Dry him up, put his diaper on, and start putting on his clothes.
If he gets fussy I start putting on songs like Bruno Mars, cause he loves his songs. Make another bottle for him. By the time I finish that. He slowly falls asleep in his play pen. Once he's asleep, I go take out the trash, start picking up his toys, turn off all the unnecessary electricity off, clean up the living room, take the dog out and feed the dog.
By the time everything's done, he gets up from his afternoon nap. Then my husband comes home from work around 3, I make a little snack for him cause I know my husband get's really hungry when he gets home. So he starts playing his games. You know to relax and take a little nap well that's what he says usually his little naps is like 2-3 hours.
My child still plays with his toys. I start cooking dinner around 6. Then wake up my husband for him to eat and make my child his food. Start feeding him first before I eat. Then put my child to sleep so I can eat, cause kids specially mines would want all your guys attention in the world. My child cannot let me use the bathroom for a second cause he'll start crying. So my child sleeps then I start to eat.
 Once I'm done eating, me and my husband watches a movie but then every time I want to watch a movie with him, he ends up falling asleep. Hasn't been an hour in the movie and he starts falling asleep on me. But what can I expect from him, he's tired from work and works hard for us to have a roof over our heads and food on our table. So I really do appreciate my husband for all his hard work every day. 

At times I really do want to go back to work for help my husband with bills but my husband doesn't want me to and well also it's too late for me cause I am 26 weeks pregnant with my second child and nobody will hire me around this time.

If  people says being a stay home mom is not a job, it totally is. Doing all of this 24/7 not just 40 hours a week like everybody that works a real job it is mostly every day of your life till your child grows up and starts going to school.

Thank you for reading my blog